
In Data we trust … May Codd help us.

Just some thoughts…

a CONCAT_WS-like on #db2fori #ibmi

In July, I left a position as a data manager on SQL Server (and a bit of MySQL) to start as a database developer on… Db2 … for i. I’m now going through a paradigm shift and transfer some knowledge to the platform. I had a use case for ‘CONCAT_WS‘. Concatenate 0, 1 or more…

IDENTITY crisis — 4. IDENTITY-free #SQL programming

In Part 1 and Part 2, I set the background. In Part 3, I attacked a castle… it is now an infested ruins. We’re now building a better version of it (meeting the specification). Our new castle with relational fortifications. Who told database design is no fun? The environment I’m using a full fledged Microsoft…

IDENTITY crisis — 3. Relational Distancing

After Part 1 and Part 2. I want to embark on a code review. Playing the pathologist, running a small diagnostic on the diagnose table and its friends. Relationaaaaaaah By the all mighty, we shall invoke SchemaSpy, and the picture should speak: I now feel so sad for diagnose. Quarantine measures? The only relation is…

IDENTITY crisis — Part 1: a DISTINCT in disguise

Nothing looks more alike than 2 INT. I wish a warning could come if I ever try to join on 2 columns defined with IDENTITY. This started as a single post. But as I’m redacting, it gets longer. I plan/need to split it in 3 parts. That being said: If you want to make God…

string_agg() does not max alone — #SQLServer #SQLNewBlogger

… and that surely is for good reason when you check how the nvarchar(max)/varchar(max) family is treated. As I moved from PostgreSQL to SQL Server 2008R2 one of the things I missed the most were all the out of the box aggregation functions. And one of them was string_agg(). We migrated last year from 2008R2…


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